11 April 2012

Happy Easter 2012 - Cervantes

Here we are again in Cervantes for easter. As usual there is always some sort of maintenance that needs to be done. So far Ray and Steve have put new screws in the balcony, something that has been worrying Ray for quite a while and reinforced the corners of the balustrade which has been worrying Ailsa for a while.
The have installed a new coax cable so a second telly can be used in another room. A new shower head was installed by Ray as the old one was all corroded from the calcium build up in the water. An attempt to replace the laundry tap failed as Stephen thought he might break it off at the wall. That one will have to wait till next time!

When we were here last we had a bit of a problem with the boat. It seemed a bit sluggish and wasn't moving as fast as it should have been. Stephen decided before going out again to remove the bung and water poured out for about half an hour. This meant there was a hole...somewhere! 
They found one right next to the bung so a screw was inserted and that kept the boat going until now. We really wanted to have the hole repaired before venturing out again and luckily there is a guy in town who was happy to weld it up on a long weekend. 

The kids arrived on Saturday after a trip to BCF (Boating, Camping, Fishing.) They picked up some new fishing gear, so when they arrived it was all 'go' getting it ready.
A bit of a barby and Lasagna on the new 'safer' balcony.
Kym and Nik                                            and Steve sporting his new beard.
Lots of people taking their boats out, bit hard to find a parking spot!
 The first day was a perfect on the water with lots of fish caught by everyone.
 Paul and Nik with their haul.
 Stephen and Ray doing the filleting.

The next day they all went out again and had another beautiful calm day on the water.
And Kym caught this beauty.
On the brag mat it measured 1.05mtrs.

Held up with a lot of help from Nik
We did a bit of research on the net and the state record is 25.8kg's.This one weighed in at just over  22.0kg's on the old scales in the boat. Fantastic catch and will be very very hard to beat. We had all decided the last time we were here that we needed some sort of brag board in the house to keep a record of who catches what, so Kym is off to a flying start!

The kids all had to go home on Monday as they all had to be back to work on Tuesday. Ray, Stephen and I decided to go out again as the weather was still perfect. Didn't do anywhere near as good as Kym but still got our bag limit.
We are having a day off today and will probably head home tomorrow. 

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