15 May 2010

...it's been a while

It has been a while....almost 9 months since the last post, that's because we haven't been anywhere exciting.... until now!

We've spent the last couple of days in Cervantes. It's a lovely little fishing town on the mid west coast about 3 hours north of Perth. Steve's family built a house here, with their own hands, when all the boys were young and then sold that one and built the one we are staying in now, again building it themselves. We came up to lay carpet which was left over after we had to replace our lounge room carpet after the big hail storms a few weeks ago. We laid it in the room we sleep in and it's made a huge difference to the room. Very cosy now.
Ray and Ailsa (Steve's parents) were here for a couple of days, they are trying out their brand new caravan. They're going to  Dongara and maybe Geraldton for a few days before returning to Perth.
Today we decided to be tourists, even though both of us have lived in this area for years and years. Our first stop was at the Nambung National Park  to see the Pinnacles. I had never seen them and Steve hadn't been out there for about 15 years. I was pretty impressed, I thought just rocks sticking out of the ground, but it was much more than that and the colours were beautiful.
I thought it looked a bit like a grave yard
On the way back we stopped at a small beach and watched a dolphin chase fish in the shallow water. The dolphin wasn't interested in giving me a good shot so that's why there isn't one.
From there we went to Lake Thetis which is just out of town and where 3370 year old Stromatolites grow. There is only a few places in the world that these living marine stromatolites grow and we're lucky to have them on our doorstep. The water in the lake is one and a half times more salty than the ocean but has no connection to the sea.

Tomorrow we're heading back to Perth and will probably be heading to Calingiri sometime next week. I'll be keeping the blog going while I'm there so check back from time to time to see what we've been up to.


Vicki said...

Sounds like you had a great day.
I have never been there...maybe I should do it before I leave!

Kerry and Stephen said...

Yes you should...we'll go up there again soon..come with us!!

Vicki said...

It is a date!