01 June 2010

Yulgering Farm

Well I thought I had better show you what we are actually doing here. We're on Russell and Grace King's farm, Yulgering, which is about 10 kilometres east of Calingiri.
Before we got here Russell had prepared the ground ready for seeding. This means he burnt alot of the stubble that is left over from last years crop and sprayed for weeds. He does two  last sprays before the seed goes in, a knock down and then a pre-emergent, meaning they die as they come out of the ground.
Russell and Grace invested in a new satalite tracking system last year so has made the job much easier. Steve just has to line up the machine and click a button and it drives itself, until he gets to the other end and then has to turn and of course if there's a tree in the way, he has to take over. This makes the lines very straight!

Below is the Air Seeder that puts the seed in the ground and the bin at the back holds the seed and the fertiliser
My job is chief cook and bottle washer. We get up around 6am I make the breakfast then take lunch out to Steve and of course have dinner waiting for him when he gets home. When I take the lunch out I sometimes go for a ride in the tractor and go up and down the paddock for a while. This is not very comfortable as the seat I sit in is very hard. I also try to keep myself occupied with a bit of photography and site seeing.
I took the photo below this morning looking out the front door. Very cold!!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Lovely misty view from the doorway...love it!