29 July 2010

Find the Cache

We have been in Exmouth for over a week now and only had a few days fishing as it  has  been quite windy. But, on those days, we've been geocaching.
There are about 13 caches around Exmouth that we can get to using our car, the rest are four wheel drive. We did do one that was extreme four wheel drive but we used Ray and Ailsa's car as ours is All Wheel Drive and not high enough for that sort of thing. We saw Kangaroo's and lots of them, Emu's, Echidna and a Bungarra lizard, all in one trip.
Echidna - Hiding his head!
There was a cache near this cave
 The cave walls and ceiling are covered in Aboriginal Art dating back around 10,000 years so they say!! 
This photo is taken from a Bird Hide
Milyering We

These caches took us to places we have been before and some we never knew existed. We think this will probably be our last trip to Exmouth so we're happy we had these hides to find.
                           This cute little girl didn't take much notice of us...she just wanted a drink
Exmouth is a beautiful place and at this time of the year nice and warm compared to the south but we wouldn't want to live here in summer when the temps can get to around 45 degrees day in day out.
Pelican's at Bundegi

Yardie Creek
We are having a great time exploring the area again.

I am having heaps of trouble with my computer so I've put it away and won't get it out again until we get home and we find someone to fix it. So for the rest of the trip I have to share Steve's which he will probably find very annoying. Lucky he loves me!!


Northern musings said...

Hey Kerry, didn´t think that you were still blogging! Love the photos - never made it as far as exmouth... was always gonna.... Maybe if I ever decide to visit the great southern land again I might.
Caching sounds like lots of fun.
Hi to Steve! See you in Iceland!

Kerry and Stephen said...

Yes decided we better start it again, try not to stop this time. Exmouth is beautiful as is all the north. You will have to come back one day! Yes we will probably see you in Iceland Xmas 2011 fingers crossed!!