01 November 2010

A Cache and a Trillion Flies!

Steve has been doing some work around the house. He's put in a wirly gig thing on the roof to draw out the hot air from the ceiling, hoping it will make a difference to our cooling bill this summer.
We've been enjoying our garden despite only being able to water once a week due to water restrictions. We're getting lots of roses and that makes me happy. I just love roses! 

A few photo's of roses in our garden.
It has been pretty cool the last week or so, but they are saying it's going to heat up again next week. It rained a bit last night but we still need more. 

We took our cat (Boots) to the vet the other day. He's been losing weight and fur. The vet is sure that he has kidney disease and unfortunately there isn't much that can be done to help. We just have to keep and eye on him and give him lots of love.

We decided to go to Cervantes for a couple of days to 'get away from it all' and knowing Boots was in good hands with Georgia to look after him. We had to check up on one of cache's as it recorded a 'did not find', we were worried it may have been 'muggled' (The discovery of a cache by a non-geocacher ). When we got there it took us 5 minutes to find it because we forgot exactly where we put it and nearly placed a new one, but we had just hidden it really well.

There was no work to do at the house this time apart from mowing the lawn so our days were our own so we filled the GPS with caches and off we went. 

This is the first cache for the day, Teeny Weeny Yellow Bikini. She's pretty big and she's a hard woman!!

We visited two of the towns I (Kerry) used to live in. They have progressed a little bit, but still beautiful and the beaches haven't changed. We had fish and chips on the beach in Leeman after finding the cache hidden nearby.
Leeman's Old Jetty
After doing another cache further up the road at Cliff Head which ended up being quite hard, especially for Steve. He climbed a mountain/Cliff (hill) which I was going to climb but he insisted I stay behind with Bud (the dog). He thought it would take too long for me to get up there and with the trillions of flies...it wouldn't be nice!! So he went alone. I did feel sorry for him until I realised he had the keys to the car so I had no escape from the horrible little nasties. Even Bud was being tormented to the extreme!
On our way back to Cervantes we stopped in at Green Head where I lived about 19 years ago. This  beach is called Dynamite Bay. Another hill to climb for a cache, but what a spectacular view!

When we got home we worked out our route for the next day which would take us inland to the wheat belt area. Installed it all on the GPS and then Steve began looking on the net for somewhere to stay overnight.  Then he asked me what we were going to do with Bud. Hmmm so that was the end of that!! 

We came home today and plan to take that trip in the near future.
Had to stop and take a photo of these Grass Trees, so many of them flowering at the same time. Quite extraordinary. The mature Grass Trees only flower once every two to three years and live as long as  5-600 years. This photo doesn't really do it justice there were thousands of them. 


Vicki said...

Roses are looking good Kerry! Have to say I don't miss the flies.

Kerry and Stephen said...

No, I wouldn't miss the flies either.