10 September 2011

All washed up...

For the last couple of weeks we have been busy building a new laundry. This was the only 'before' photo I could find which was taken when we were first looking at the house to buy in 2007....I forgot to take one before we started on the reno.

We headed for our favourite store...Bunnings where they have great Flatpax that you can mix and match to your own requirements. We decided on a cupboard to put the trough in and matched a set of kitchen pot drawers which fitted in nicely.
The are very easy to put together....all the holes are pre-drilled and you just have to put the screws in.
We needed to close off some old taps and decide how we were going to make our new washing machine work, in the place we wanted to put it.
So, decided to call in an expert who suggested we just move the washing machine tap (because we only need cold for the new machine) to under the trough and just run the hose behind the drawers.
 He was very good and had to job done within the hour.

 Steve filled up all the holes in the walls and the floor with cement.

 Next cut the holes for the pipe and move the cabinets in...
Cut and put the bench top on...that took a bit of doing...we found that the room wasn't square!! 
But after a bit of banging and pushing we managed to manoeuvre it into place.
Now the trough....Dad's old jigsaw worked well for a while but then it had a bit of a blowout and we decided it was too old to try and fix...so back to Bunnings we went for a new one, which made the job very easy.
 All the holes drilled for the hoses at the back of the drawers.
 Bit more filling with cement....
Then it was just the tiling and painting... 

We didn't want to change the floor tiles so we chose these mosaics to try and tie them in with the new look.

 With the white grout we think they look great!
We didn't like the handles that came with the Flatpax, they were a bit small....so replaced them with these ones.
Drawers are great for keeping everything neat and tidy and if need be, can also be used as clothes hampers.
 Love this big cupboard for large items.

 This will be great for washing large item and dogs!! Not that we're getting one anytime soon...dog that is!

 We are waiting on a blind and then it will be complete!
 We love our new laundry and wonder why we didn't do this years ago.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

It looks great Kerry, and you finally have come into the 21st century with a front loader!!!