14 September 2011


We have found a new game to play! It's called Munzee and is another take on the Geocaching scavenger hunt game.

All you need is a smart phone, download the app and join up. It's free! Then capture other peoples Munzees and put your own out there for others to capture and build up a score. To capture you just scan the barcode. You can scan the one below to see how it works, but is only an example. 

Munzees are similar to Geocaches taking you to interesting places that you wouldn't normally go but they need a lot less maintenance. Also, if for some reason the card is destroyed it's easy just to print and laminate a new one. We have only just started and the game which is very young with only around 7,400 players worldwide. At the time of writing this there are only 48 Munzees in Perth and we've scanned 16 of them, placed 3 and managed to get 5 FTC (first to capture)'s.

It's great, another reason to get us out of the house and get moving!!

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