01 August 2009


We arrived in Vienna on the train and got a taxi to our hotel, The Best Western....have attached a photo for you Bianca.
We freshened up and then went for a walk down to St Stephans Cathedral, it is the best cathedral we've seen so far, even better than Notredame. We decided on a steak house for dinner that night, it had been a while since we'd had a good steak...very nice too! 
The next day we just wandered around didn't really have a plan just took in the city sites.
He's a good site!!

I did a bit of research on the net when we got back and found some flea markets, so we went there the next day...nothing like the Paris ones, which is what I was hoping, mainly food.
After the markets we took the underground to Schonbrunn Palace and toured it. Very large and very luxurious, we have now been in the same room as Mozart and President Kennedy...and a few others I can't remember! The grounds of the palace were enormous and the gardens were beautiful.
This this is the front yard.
This is the side garden It was nice and cool in hereAnd this is the backyard
After lunch we made our way back to the hotel and relaxed for the afternoon and then went out to dinner. That was about all we did in Vienna.

We are now on the train to Innsbruck, should be there in about 3 hours!!!


Vicki said...

Where is Innsbruck?
Don't forget to buy flying socks/stockings before you make the big trip home...believe me they make a big difference.

Kerry and Stephen said...

Innsbruck is in Austria, we thought we would break the train trip up a bit and Steve thought it would be nice to go to some alpine country. I'm already thinking about the socks. Will be home on the 15th.