28 July 2009


We left from Berlins multi level train station and travelled to Praha arriving about 3pm. When we stepped off the train we were hit by the heat, probably not that hot but more than we were expecting or had experienced so far.
We rang our contact for our accomodation and told him we were taking a taxi to the unit, he told us not to pay any more than 350 czech crowns for the trip but no one would take us for that and were asking around 600. Ended up going to the road and got another taxi and it still cost us 600 crowns but by then we didn't care, so we got ripped off!!
We met Pavel at the apartment in the centre of the old town, he was very helpful and wanted to call the police on the taxi driver but we told him not to. The apartment was pretty basic but very very old with beautifully decorated hand painted wooden ceilings.

Our Apartment
The next day we just walked around the old town to get our bearings and took a few photo's. It is a very interesting place with many very old buildings.

The Plaza
Our second day was spent walking up through the narrow streets across the crowded Charles Bridge and up the hill to Prague Castle.
It was a long walk!!
View overlooking Praha
This is a photo of the clock in the plaza on the hour every hour the windows at the top would open and the skeleton rang a bell and the chicken squaked. If we walked passed on the hour there was always hundreds of people watching and waiting for the clock to do it's thing.

Our last day was spent trying to find a laudromat so we could do some washing...the washing machine in the apartment broke down and we hadn't washed any clothes apart from undies and socks since we left Paris, so it was becoming a must! We eventually found a place that had about 10 machines and 3 dryers but only 2 washing machines and 1 dryer were working so took a bit longer than we were hoping. Last night we went to the plaza and took some awesome photo's. Well we like them.....

View down our street, Jilska`


Vicki said...

The place looks lovely, how long are you staying there and where do you go next???
Remember to buy a keepsake everywhere you go...I did not buy enough!

Kerry and Stephen said...

We left there a couple of days ago and now in Vienna. You would like it, it's a bit like Paris but not as crowded and more spread out. We leave here tomorrow and go to Innsbruck for 4 days then on to Italy, then home. Have been buying something from everywhere we go, running out of room so they are getting smaller.