04 July 2010

Cervantes Day 2, 3 and 4

With all our work done that left us free to find Caches. I didn't take any photo's on the second day, I don't know why.... Anyway we managed to find eight including one at the Jurien Cemetery and one at Mt Lesueur.
On our third day we started out around 11am with a shorter list but further to travel.
First stop The Pinnacles

Vicki having fun with the camera.

Once the Cache was found by Kym we enjoyed the view and took quite a few photo's. Our next stop was Emu Downs Wind Farm where 48 huge windmills put out 85 megawatts.  Vicki found this Cache and we picked up a Geo Coin which can be tracked by the owners.

By the time we finished here we decided it was lunch time and went and had a 'badgy burger' at the Badgingarra Roadhouse. It was YUM!! Three more for the day but no photo's!!

The next day we travelled back to Perth via six more Cache's. We had a fantastic time and I think may be becoming addicted to this new thing.

   Yandin Lookout

View of the River at Reagan's Ford - Beautiful spot that we have been driving passed for years and years and never stopped.
And Vicki being silly again!!


Vicki said...

Gee thanks Kerry...there was a reason why I did not use some of those photos on my blog!

Kerry and Stephen said...

Coz you knew I would want to...thanks XX

eva.diblasio said...
