28 June 2010

Geocaching With My Sister

Stomatolites Lake Thetis
My sister Vicki (Vicki the Viking) has introduced us to Geocaching. Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. 
 The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online (that's what the website says). We decided it would be good for our health to get outside and do a bit of walking and looking for something makes it all the more interesting. We went and bought a GPS the other day and had a bit of fun working it all out. On Sunday, we found 4 of 6 caches, Vicki and her friends found 20.

Today we travelled to Cervantes to get the boat ready to go to Exmouth and while we're here we'll be looking for more caches. Vicki is with us as she's never been to Cervantes and she's off to Iceland in a couple of months to live and may never have the chance again.

After getting to the house and making up the beds and getting dinner on the way we went out for a quick trip and found 2 caches. One at Lake Thetis and one at Hanson Bay Lookout. They were both pretty easy to find and both in beautiful locations. A couple of the locals were there to meet us.
Hanson Bay Lookout - Beautiful!!

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