11 June 2010

That's it for another year.....

We are home from the farm, all the work done for another year, Steve did 179 hours in 15 days, no days off. He's a little bit tired now, not used to it!

The last couple of days found me taking another couple of  trips to Wongan. Saturday I went to the Rotary Markets...it was very small but interesting. I bought a cake, a slice and a jar of grape jam. On Sunday I wanted to go to the lookout and the museum. I had spoken to the woman at the tourist bureau and thought she said it was open on Sundays from 10-5...but apparently not!! 1-4:30, and I had to be back for Steve's lunch at 1, so that's going to have to wait for another year.
I did go to the lookout and took a few photo's, it was very cold up on Mt O'Brien so didn't stay long.
Overlooking Wongan Hills
Lake Ninan

Lake Hinds Neakarling

A church in Wongan Hills
Nice wide streets
I took a few photo's just before sunset one night
Really like this one
And finally one of Bud in an action shot!!

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