30 June 2011

The New Fence

Our new neighbours, Chris and Terri moved in around Xmas this year. Very nice people too! We had been waiting on their arrival so we could get rid of an ugly old asbestos fence which adjoined their property.
For some reason there are no photos of it. The asbestos had to be taken down carefully and disposed of up on Red Hill east of Perth. Our problem was it all had to be taken at once which left the pool exposed. We put up a make shift fence to cover the pool until the new one was erected.

The Gap!
It was all a bit of a mess for a while....
...but nice and neat when finished
We also wanted to cover the ugly pool pump and decided on this flat pack cover which had to be sent from Queensland because there are none in Perth!
Steve put it together with a few hic-ups, it didn't come with all the right pieces. But, not to worry Steve never gets upset just makes do with what they gave him until the company eventually replaced them. We are really happy with the look and it really tidied up the yard.

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