18 July 2011

Empty Nesters!

Well it's finally happened, Stephen and I are home alone!! Georgia was the last one of our children to move to her own place.
She is pretty excited and apparently doesn't even mind doing the dishes! Who would have known!!
She is sharing the new house with Elliot and his fiancee Janelle. Elliot decided to start fly in fly out  to Karratha and Janelle wants someone to be around when he's not there, so it's worked out perfectly!

 It's a small place but has been done up a bit with a modern kitchen and and living areas and is tiled all the way though except the bedrooms.
Found this dining room suite on Gumtree for $100.00 and the old pink couch was free from one of Georgia's cousins....Bargains!!
The outside is pretty basic which will suit my gardening loving children!!
We started to transform Georgia's old room almost immediately with a quick lick of paint and a good clean. Finally we could put up an old bed I had when I was a child that we had restored years ago but  never had  anywhere for it to go.
I'm also going to set up my paints in that little nook so I don't have to put them away all the time.

I haven't got a bedspread for the bed yet so will take more photo's when we've finished fluffing it!

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